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All courses Forums How To Talk About Art Discussion Room: ART Discussion room: art

  • Discussion room: art

    Posted by Kerin on December 16, 2019 at 5:39 pm

    Q1: Do you like art? If yes, what kind of art do you like? How often do you go to art museums? If no, do you know why you don’t like it?

    Q2: What do you think about modern art paintings?

    Q3: Who is your favourite artist? Why do you like them so much?

    Q4: Do you think that art is important to society? Why?

    Q5: Are you artistic? What do you like creating?

    Kerin replied 4 years, 2 months ago 7 Members · 24 Replies
  • 24 Replies
  • Chiara

    April 13, 2020 at 4:07 pm

    I do love art, I would say that I’m basically an art addicted, but I found out only in my late forties how keen on art I have become. Beforehand I used to go to art museums only when I travelled abroad as being part of the normal and due sightseing activity in visiting a new place or city.

    Now to go and visit an art museum or to attend an art exhibiton is quite a “necessity” for me, it’s something that I enjoy so much, something fulfilling: contemplating a work of art not only often can move me because of its beauty, but also can be an occasion for raising new curiosities and for longing for knowing more about the artist and what has inspired him in creating his art.

    Art has been part of human history since the ancient times, as a matter of fact in modern times there have been many discoveries about the artistic paintings made on stones in hidden caves back in the Neolitic times

    Artistic crreations are something that have ever been existing in any society, no matter which is the cultural or historical heritage: art it’s something that belongs to human beings.

    In my opinion art is important for every society, because it expresses the deepest and inner part of human beings, it is a powerful means for connecting people from different backgrounds, countries, culture, times uniting them through a universal, silent bond.

  • Kerin

    April 14, 2020 at 9:39 am

    @Chiara thank you for sharing your perspective. I enjoyed reading that very much and I think your point about a ‘silent bond‘ is spot on.

    Actually, you made me realise something that I hadn’t really considered before🙏: ….occasion for raising new curiosities and for longing for knowing more about the artist and what has inspired him in creating his art. For me personally, I usually need the history behind the art in order to enjoy it fully. In fact, I am not a fan of contemporary art at all. It gets on my nerves because I rarely understand it.

    Instead, I am obsessed with modern art and I think it has a lot to do with the history and stories from that era. (I am also obsessed with literature from that period too now I think about it … maybe I’ve been reincarnated from that period 😂)


    It is a lovely piece of writing. There isn’t much to say, just these few points:

    > instead of an art addicted > either ‘an art addict’ or ‘addicted to art’

    > to sound more natural ‘…. normal and due sightseeing….’ > ‘… normal and obligatory sightseeing…’

    > Artistic creations are something that have ever been existing in any society, > that have always existed (Let me know if you need that explained!)

    Great job! 👍

  • Chiara

    April 15, 2020 at 2:23 pm

    Thanks Kerin, actually the use of past tenses in English is still a complete mistery to me!

    Also I’m still struggling with some use of the -ing form Rolling Eyes

    To me enjoy art is something really spontaneous and direct, it deals mainly with feelings, emotions and sensations so it doesn’t matter which kind of art or which period as long as I’m just mesmerized by a painting or a sculpture or a building.

  • Rubina

    April 22, 2020 at 7:25 pm

    Do you think that art is important to society? Why?

    How much Arts are important in our lives?

    Today is an important anniversary for the world, is the 50th international Day of Heart. We celebrate the world as a planet made of lands, oceans, mountains, animals and, only at the end, little parasitic animals , us.

    This morning I woke up with the idea to celebrate it. In these terrible days is necessary and important to speak about that, especially from when we have understood that there is a connection between the Covid 19 and pollutions and heart explotation.

    How every days since the day we’ve been forced to live in quarantine my “obsession” is tighten up with my social network appeal and performance, with the ephemeral hope to survive as tour guide in the future. So I thought to celebrate the Heart Day with a post on my page Scopri Firenze on Facebook (that’s a subliminal advertasing), but I thought, how do it!

    It would have been extremely important to keep the correct “ editorial line of the page” so, how speak about heart, ecology, nature end Arts all togheter ?

    Arts help me!

    I discovered the so called Land Art today , something that I’ve not ignored in the past but was taken apart for years, and today come to light in my mind .

    And even only for this mental process, that only Arts are capable to realize, Arts all are important to society.

    There are many way to live and respect nature and artists have found their proper way. Creating pieces of art frequently real masterpieces, to celebrate a possible synergy between two aspect of life that apparently seems so distant one with the other

    As exemple look a this! Art could stay everywhere

  • Rubina

    April 24, 2020 at 8:37 am
  • Kerin

    April 24, 2020 at 9:24 am

    I was thinking the same things @rubina … it has been a wake up call for us and I only hope that we learn from this and don’t immediately go back to all the things we were doing to kill our planet! (PS. Earth (terra) Heart (cuore))

    About art: I agree completely. Where did you take these pictures? Amazing 😱

    English corrections – two important things to correct. Please see images below.

  • Kerin

    April 24, 2020 at 9:27 am


  • Kerin

    April 24, 2020 at 9:32 am



    May 14, 2020 at 10:45 am

    Actually art is located in the center of my life. I am a jewelry designer. Related to my profession I am in design and creativity part of art for 20 years. Jewelry design was my hobby in the beginning but after my first solo exhibition it became a small business. I am so lucky that I can express myself through creativity.

    On the other hand me and my husband are art lovers and collectors. We collect contemporary art pieces in different mediums like painting, sculpture, photography and video. We love to live with art woks which surround us. The most attractive and exciting about art is to look at life through artist’s eyes and mind. We mostly collect Turkish emerging artist’s works.

  • Sabrina

    May 15, 2020 at 8:37 am

    I think that art is important for humans and about this evidence is the last period we have lived without the possibility to visit museums, to go to the cinema, to music events and so on…

    We are really like that this so restrictive period is happened now with the possibility of usinf the web otherwise it could be a caming back to middle age…. but to touch by living experience the art is an thing that see in virtual manner.

    I do not go so often to the museums even if I live in Florence, during my teen age I was really interested in them but now prefer to stay in contact with nature during my free time.

    I’m not so confident with modern art, I for my experience, know better the classical one but for modern art it is important understand what kind of feeling the artwork trasmit to more than the real significance.

  • Sabrina

    May 15, 2020 at 8:39 am

    Q3 I think you are referred to a modern artist, I do not know… I can say that I have not a favorite …

  • Sabrina

    May 15, 2020 at 8:44 am

    I think art is important for society because permit of thinking in a different way, without to always being concentrate on daily problems and to elevate your head in a different situations.

    Unfortunately I’m not so much creative with respect to art….

  • Kerin

    May 15, 2020 at 10:03 am

    @Aojewel that is fascinating. I’m afraid I have a lot of questions for you! What inspires your jewellery design? What materials do you work with? Do you have your own website or do you sell through retailers? Do you have a favourite Turkish artist? Okay, I’ll stop now!


    > Related to my profession I am in design … for 20 years

    > Here you need to use the present perfect to show that it is something that started in the past and continues to present time: Related to my profession I’ve been in design … for 20 years

  • Kerin

    May 15, 2020 at 10:27 am

    @sabri I confess ….something I am missing a lot right now is the art deco Odeon cinema in Florence! I love going there, even if the film isn’t so great, I just love the building. Anyway, I agree with you, we are realising in this period the importance of such things and art can take us out of daily life.

    Corrections below!

  • Kerin

    May 15, 2020 at 10:30 am


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