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  • Kerin

    February 24, 2020 at 12:30 pm

    Hi Chiara, thank you for your insights. I think you make a really good point that the author presumes that these changes will automatically be positive without considering the more complex issues of human nature and our history. I personally find it overwhelming how fast technology is changing and I don’t think we have yet understood the implications of it. (I wasn’t feeling so well over the weekend, so I binge-watched Homeland season 7!!! I think it is a brilliant show but the point is, it is so relevant to what we are experiencing right now. It looks at the impact of fake news and how technology is being used in a kind of cyber-warfare … anyway this article makes me think about all of that too!)

    Just a quick note:
    > you need the article here: …the Exponential Age is real.