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All courses Forums Fake news Activation Project Activation Project 9 – Writing

  • Activation Project 9 – Writing

    Posted by Lucia on October 10, 2021 at 9:31 pm

    Is fake news a problem? Why?

    To work correctly, democracy requires that people are informed about what is happening and which are the possible consequences of a certain decision. In a world where it is always more difficult to distinguish between true and false information, it is also hard to individuate reliable politicians and untrustworthy demagogue and make an aware choice about the life of the country.

    Moreover, fake news help to create polarization in the population and make it harsh to exit by your biased view.

    What does a healthy news and social media landscape look like?

    A health news and social media landscape looks like a health society. People is often unaware that what happens online is real life and so they think that to insult or write whatsoever on social have not consequences on “real world”, so all the personal frustrations are exposed on social media. News industry exploits and at the same time is enslaved by this process, feeding people with what they want to hear.

    So, a health web environment looks like peopole aware of their power, wishing to know what is true, even if it doesn’t confirm their bias and respecting different opinions and different people.

    Lucia replied 3 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Kerin

    October 12, 2021 at 9:34 am

    Thank you @Lu_Corde – nicely done! Have shared a Google doc using the correction code for you to have a look.


  • Lucia

    October 24, 2021 at 7:41 pm

    Here my try of correction.

    Is fake news a problem? Why?

    To work correctly, democracy requires that people are informed about what is happening and WHAT are the possible consequences of a certain decision. In a world where it is always more difficult to distinguish between true and false information, it is also hard to individuate reliable politicians and untrustworthy demagogueS and make a CONSCIOUS choice about the life of the country.

    Moreover, fake news helpS to create polarization in the population and makeS it harsh to ESCAPE by your biased view.

    What does a healthy news and social media landscape look like?

    A healthY news and social media landscape looks like a healthY society. People ARE often unaware that what happens online is real life and so they think that to insult or write whatsoever on social WILL have not consequences IN THE “real world”, so all the personal frustrations are exposed on social media. THE news industry exploits and at the same time is enslaved by this process, feeding people with what they want to hear.

    So, a healthY web environment looks like people BEING aware of their power, wishing to know what is true, even if it doesn’t confirm their bias and respecting different opinions and different people.

    A question: are uncountable names always considered singular?

    • Kerin

      October 26, 2021 at 9:29 am

      Good Lucia!

      To answer you:

      Although they have a plural meaning, most uncountable nouns like this (including news, information, administration, management, advice, accommodation) are singular with no plural form.
      However, even though they are singular, we cannot normally use the indefinite article (a/an) with uncountable nouns and instead must use some/any/no, indicating plurality.

      Some nouns have both uncountable and countable uses relating to more general and more particular instances of use. e.g., time and experience…

      Compare the following:

      time – a time / times

      > There’s no time to lose. We must try to get home before dark.

      > There was a time when I went to church every Sunday.
      Now there are times when I don’t set foot inside a church for months on end.

      experience – an experience

      > You need quite a lot of work experience to do this job properly and I don’t have very much.

      > Walking across hot coals is an experience I shall never forget.

  • Lucia

    October 26, 2021 at 1:22 pm

    Thank you for the explanation! Clear and useful as always 🙂

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