British vs American English
In my school years I have only studied British English, so when I went in Chicago last year there were a lot of errors and misunderstandings by my side!
Once I was at the supermarket searching for some plastic glasses (we would throw a party that night, wonderful pre-covid experiences) and I really couldn’t figure out where they were, so I asked to the clerk “Sorry, can you tell me where can I find the plastic glasses?” She stared at me for like two minutes before to understand what I was asking for: “AH! You are asking for some plastic cups!”
Another time the cookers of my apartment were broken and my flatmates and I called the tenant to explain him. Also in this case explaining that our cookers were his burners was a pretty difficult accomplishment.
But the worst thing was when my thesis advisor notified me that in my thesis all the vocabulary and the grammar were the British English ones and I would have to change them in the American versions. There were A LOT of neighbourhood in my thesis.
So, this is my experience with the difference between British and American English. Obviously I watch American and British shows and I sometimes am able to distinguish between the accent, but it depends on the fact that our society is submerged from English content and cultural products.
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