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  • Posted by Lucia on July 24, 2021 at 6:52 pm

    My main source of news are Social networks. I know: they are places full of terror and lies, but this is not completely correct: a lot of people use them in a very proficient way to spread information. A couple of example of this are the Instagram account of spaghettipolitics and the Youtube channel Breaking Italy. The first one is an Italian student in Netherlands, that every week reports the “news of the week”, a sort of highlight of what has happend during the week, globally. The second one is a Youtube channel where a Sardinian man, analyzes some of the news that he and his team found particularly interesting that day (the show is daily for four days of the week) and he attaches ALL the sources of what he claims in the video, in such a way to give the watchers a mean to going deeper inside the topics he talks about. Apart them, the only newspaper I read is Il Post.

    Being the ones I enlisted above transparent and giving the possibility to check on their sources I tend to be trustful with respect to them. In particular, because the remaining part of the media in Italy are biased. They are of course politically biased, and they often are also old and boomer in the negative sense. To see this, it is sufficient how a news is told when there is a black pereson involved, or the way he feminicides are described. Sensalionalist and partial. Always.

    According to me, to understand if a news is a fake one the first thing to check is to identify its root and the level of spreading. Even if the media are not completely trustworthy, of course a news on a newspaper has a different dignity with respect to the same news on Facebook. Moreover, usually, if something is too strange to be true, well… It isn’t true! In any case a quick research online can give you nerw information (trivially: if you look at a video saying “Dolphins have learnt to fly”, and it is true, searching “dolphins” is probably one of the first things you obtain on Google).

    I am fascnated and scared by fake news, in particular for the way they have changed the sociaty and have shown the lack of digital (and not) education people have. They are the better example tyo explain WHY the knowledge and the education are important. I think that fake news’ root is double: people who want to demonstrate to be clever than others, and people that want to exercise power over others. And watching at the public speeches of this lat years it is clear that the seconds are danderously more than we expected.

    Lucia replied 3 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Kerin

    July 27, 2021 at 10:49 am

    I found your essay interesting to read Lucia (I want to check out the two examples you mentioned). I too am fascinated and scared by it all. I don’t think we know the half of it!

    I’ve posted your corrections to a google doc that I shared with you. I used the correction code. Have a go and try and fix the errors and I’ll help you with anything you can’t work out


  • Lucia

    August 2, 2021 at 12:18 pm

    This is my try of correction:

    My main source of news IS Social networks. I know: they are places full of terror and lies, but this is not completely correct: a lot of people use them in a very proficient way to spread information. A couple of exampleS of this are the Instagram account of spaghettipolitics and the Youtube channel Breaking Italy. The first one is an Italian student in THE Netherlands, that every week reports the “news of the week”, a sort of highlight of what has happened during the week, globally. The second one is a Youtube channel where a Sardinian man, analyzes some of the news that he and his team found particularly interesting that day (the show is daily for four days of the week) and he attaches ALL the sources of what he claims in the video, in such a way to give the watchers a WAY to going deeper inside the topics he talks about. Apart FROM them, the only newspaper I read is Il Post.

    SINCE the SOURCES I enlisted ARE transparent and givE the possibility to check on their sources I tend to TRUST THEM. ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING THAT the remaining part of the media in Italy are biased. They are of course politically biased, and they often are also old and boomer in the negative sense. To see this, it is sufficient TO SEE how a news STORY is told when there is a black person involved, or the way he femicides are described. Sensationalist and partial. Always.

    According to me, to understand if a news STORY is a fake one the first thing to check is to identify its root and the level of spreading. Even if the media are not completely trustworthy, of course THE news on a newspaper has a different dignity THAN the same news on Facebook. Moreover, usually, if something is too strange to be true, well… It isn’t true! In any case a quick research online can give you new information (trivially: if you look at a video saying “Dolphins have learnt to fly”, and it is true, searching “dolphins” is probably one of the first things you obtain on Google).

    I am fascinated and scared by fake news, in particular for the way they have changed the society and have shown the lack of digital (and not) education people have. They are the better example to explain WHY knowledge and education are important. I think that fake news’ root is double: people who want to demonstrate to be cleverER than others, and people that want to exercise power over others. And watching the public speeches of this lat years it is clear that the seconds are dangerously more than we expected.

  • Kerin

    August 17, 2021 at 9:24 am

    This is much better @Lu_Corde – good!

    Just this, para 1: in such a way to give the watchers a WAY to going deeper inside the topics he talks about.

    > the collocation is: to give someone a way of doing something

    > in such a way to give the viewers a WAY of going deeper inside the topics he talks about.

    ps. sorry – I missed the word watchers the first time I read it! It should be viewers or audience


    • Lucia

      August 24, 2021 at 11:07 am

      Thank you!

      Re-reading it now, it seems obvious to me that the ‘to’ particle shouldn’t be followed by an -ing form. 🙂

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