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All courses Forums How to talk about change Over the last 10 years … since 2010 a new life started!

  • since 2010 a new life started!

    Posted by Rubina on February 14, 2020 at 4:32 pm

    Exactly 10 years ago, on february 2010, after a long period of confusion and a bit of anger, I literally rebirth! Not litterally, actually I’m not a vampire:).. You know Italians are always axaggerate! But is true that since that moment many things in my life started to take a right direction!
    First of all I left a country house where I lived for 4 beautiful and sometimes wild years with 2 friends of mine, to move in a lovely and cosy flat in Florence where I experimented for the first time the pleasure of living to my own.
    Was so exciting and gratifying decorate and furnish my house to create something that reflected me, was also fantastic to decide independently when is time to clan up, the right temperature of the heating, the volume of the musric and so on. But must of all was an authentic challenge with myself.
    In that period I also started a new job as a project manager in a Foundation that dealt with old florentine handicraft, I learnt so many things! first how resist when your boss is completely crazy without become creazy too!
    That’s only from 2010 to 2014 sorry! Now we are in 2020 and much water flowed under the bridge (italian proverb says..) now I’m quite happy and satisfied of my life, I love to be tour guide in Florence and I’m proud of me because wasn’t easy at all!

    p.s. I forgot something very important! 2010 (or 2011) was also the year of my first english course and my teacher was Kerin ! Can you believe that!

    Kerin replied 4 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Kerin

    February 16, 2020 at 6:34 am

    Ah Rubina, you always give me a giggle! Well, that IS a lot of changes and I can identify with so much of what you’ve said – especially the aspects (positive and negative) that come with living on your own and how to deal with a crazy boss and at the same time keep your own sanity!!! (Unfortunately, I identify a bit too much with this one!)

    It’s incredible how much can change in 10 years and you are right to be proud of yourself – I know how hard you’ve worked to get where you are.
    …and WHAT?!!!! No way is it really that long ago when we met on that course?!!

    Have a look at some corrections – give me a shout if you don’t understand something

    Exactly 10 years ago, on February 2010, after a long period of confusion and a bit of anger, I literally rebirth! I was literally reborn! Not literally, actually I’m not a vampire:).. You know Italians are always exaggerate! But it is true that since …..

    ….. to move into a lovely and cosy …..

    IT Was so exciting and gratifying TO decorate and furnish my house to create something that reflected me, it was also fantastic to decide independently when is time to clean up, ….

    That’s only from 2010 to 2014 sorry! Now we are in 2020 and much water flowed under the bridge (italian proverb says..) (we say this too!)

    I love to being a tour guide in Florence and I’m proud of me myself because it wasn’t easy at all!

  • sonia

    February 26, 2020 at 7:03 pm

    10 years ago I was 35 years old and, if I think at that time, I can see myself like a young lady in her 20ies! My life wasn’t so changed compared to the previous 10 years: I used to play volleyball, going out with friends practically every night, changing boyfriend every third month, travelling a lot… Of course, I was working, as a sales specialist at that time, but at the beginning of any meeting with clients I had to introduce myself and clarify that I had finished my studies a long time earlier and I was experienced enough to be there!

    Well, what happened later? It was exactly during my 37th summer that I decided to have become old! I was in Sardegna with my friends and, simply, I started to go to bed “early”, while my friends were going to disco and hanging out until the wee hours of the morning… they started calling me “la nonna” (translation in English: “their grandma”!). I don’t really know why I behaved in that way, but it was like I suddenly realized that I should be more “mature” at my age, change interests (for example reading in place of having a drink), in other words outgrow!

    After that summer, I don’t think I really grew up…To be honest I spent most of my time working very hardly (until a burn-out some years later!). Ok, I stopped changing boyfriend every quarter, that’s true, I met a nice guy and we went living together, but we were/are not that kind of couple with specific projects to realize, like children (that at the end we couldn’t have), and so we live from day to day, just enjoying the time together … more or less like an old couple (note: he’s 10 years younger than me!).

    So, what really changed in my last 10 years? Probably I lost the need to do always something. Now I can appreciate a night at home, talking with one dear friend instead of a bunch of people, just thinking in place of attending any course available in my town! I don’t know if this means to have grown up, but I’m curious… What’s next? We’ll see!

  • Kerin

    February 27, 2020 at 3:44 pm

    Good job Sonia! Some very nice vocabulary in here and written very fluently.

    This was an interesting read and it made me smile quite a bit! (Especially because I know you very well and it’s very hard for me to imagine the ‘nonna’ side of you!)
    It sounds like you have discovered how to be mindful – live more in the present and enjoy the more simple things in life. I think that’s a pretty nice change that comes with ageing!

    Some quick corrections:

    -10 years ago I was 35 years old and, if I think at about that time, I can see myself like a young lady in her 20ies! 20s

    – My life wasn’t so changed > either use an adjective (e.g My life wasn’t so different) or change tense (My life hadn’t changed so much …)

    – I used to > I was used to +ing

    – … during my 37th summer that I decided to have become old! > needs the past simple: I decided to become old!

    – working very hardly – hard

    – we went living together > we moved in together

    Thanks for sharing! Let me know if you have any questions 🙂

  • sonia

    February 28, 2020 at 11:37 am

    Thanks for your precious corrections, Kerin… I think my English will improve a lot with this course. What a pity that lately I’ve not been practicing in real life…

  • Kerin

    February 29, 2020 at 10:14 am

    Thank you Sonia, that means a lot! It is a shame that you haven’t got that much opportunity to practise. I am working on setting up speaking partners so that might be something interesting for you.

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