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All courses Forums How to talk about change Discussion Room (change) The author´s predictions.

  • The author´s predictions.

    Posted by Carla on April 29, 2020 at 5:45 pm

    I think that scary as may seem, you can´t stop development. The author is stating a fact, whether we like it or not, this is likely to happen. So the question is: Are we prepare for all these changes? So many things have changed in the last century that I guess that If you don´t jump on the train you get behind. So, with the advent of new techologies we gain a lot but we also lose a lot. I reckon the world is constantly moving, so is humanity. I see some of these changes are going to take longer to catch up for instance in countries such as mine, Argentina. Take for instance online teaching. There are so many resources, games, chatrooms, interactive boards but: If my pupils´internet conection is bad, or they don´t have a computer at home they are at a disadvantage compared to other pupils. So, should technology be accesible to all of us, it would be great to offer needy people the same opportunities more affluent people have. Mainly regarding education and health. Notwhistanding our wishes, the future is already here to stay. I choose jumping on the train.!

    Carla replied 4 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Kerin

    April 30, 2020 at 10:08 am

    When reading this article I thought a lot about music! In my life span, I have gone through records, cassette tapes, CDs, mini-discs, I-pods and now streaming … all those changes in my short life. It seems frivolous, but I think it represents the point you rightly make – development is fact, whether we like it or not.

    And I couldn’t agree more with your second point, if only technology were available to all… I fear I won’t see that in my lifetime!

    A few notes:

    > as scary as IT may seem

    > Are we prepared …

    > get LEFT behind

  • Carla

    April 30, 2020 at 7:25 pm

    Thanks for the notes!

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