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All courses Forums How to tell stories The Mousetrap

  • The Mousetrap

    Posted by Antonio Escrig Vidal on June 2, 2023 at 10:50 am

    I adore Agatha Christie and I´m proud to say that I´ve read all her books. Not only I´ve read her novels but I have also read his short stories. Unsurprisingly, every time I have the chance, I go to the theater in order to enjoy plays such as And Then There Were None, The Spider´s Web, The Unexpected Guest and, last but not least, The Mousetrap.

    Last summer, I spend one wonderful week in London. Before traveling I had booked a seat to watch The Mousetrap in St. Martin´s Theater. Fortunately, British actors´ pronunciation is excellent and I was able to catch practically all of the nuances of the dialogue.

    I strongly remember the last words said by the actors «keep the secret of whodunit locked in your heart » What an unforgettable evening!

    Kerin replied 1 year, 3 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Kerin

    June 12, 2023 at 3:05 pm

    I enjoyed reading this very much Antonio.

    > When we use this expression, we need to use this formula:

    Not only HAVE I read her novels, but I have also read her short stories.

    (Not only have I done something, but I have also done something else)

    > Last summer, I SPENT one wonderful week in London.

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