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  • Posted by Luca on October 14, 2020 at 7:20 pm

    As the lockdown started in April and, my restaurant sadly closed its door, I had some time off to catch up with a few tv series I had left behind.

    My husband and I love watching tv series, we almost consider it as a hobby, the last tv show we watched it’s called ‘Golden Girls’.

    The tv-show is set in the ’80s beginning of the ’90s, even though they use a nonlinear narrative the way they tackle difficult topics is admirable. I rather watch tv series in the original language than dubbed, if the actors’ accents it’s very different than the one I’m used to, I turn on the English subtitles.

    I’m watching Tv series in English daily, while I’m eating or after dinner to relax.

    A nice glass of red wine and a good tv show are the best way to decompress after a stressful day at work.

    Kerin replied 4 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Kerin

    October 15, 2020 at 9:47 am

    Oh it’s such a pity, so many places closing down. It’s heartbreaking actually.

    I was a big fan of Golden Girls – I used to watch it every Friday night with my mum and dad when I was little. It’s actually pretty current given how long ago it was made. (And I couldn’t agree more, a good glass of wine and a TV show is a great way to unwind!)

    Some rich vocab and structures used here (in green) – great 👍

    Some notes:

    >’closed its doorS‘ – this expression need the plural

    > the last (indicates past time) —- we should use the past simple to conclude the phrase e.g. the last film I saw was ….

    (note, we don’t need to repeat the pronoun ‘it’ like we do in Italian. Same thing with if the actor’s accents it’s … – we don’t need to use ‘it’)

    >’Rather‘ needs the modal verb ‘would‘ to state a preference > I’d rather watch TV ….. or you can use I prefer watching TV ….

    👍 great work @luke

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