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  • Vocabulary Practice Course 5

    Posted by valentina on June 17, 2020 at 11:16 am

    -I’VE ALSO DONE COUNTLESS try/attempt to memorize new vocabulary with miserable/louzy result.

    -Some collegues criticize me with MILD reprimands for my accuracy.

    -GO WITH ME ON THIS, I’m trying to explain why I’ve really MESSED UP, I made the most GORMLESS mistake not telling the true.

    -I am so KNACKERED that I need a PIT STOP at the bar before entering in the Museum.

    -NOT IN A MILLION YEARS WOULD I have choosen this sweater!

    -I wasn’t THE BRIGHTEST CRAYON IN THE BOX choosing my job.

    -BEAR WITH ME, I’m working out this GORMLESS mistake. It’s really a ROOKIE MISTAKE!

    -WITHOUT A SHADOW OF DOUBT I must RUN WITH the new software befere the end of the week.


    -It is completely BAFFLING that my boss’s daughter is really welthy, but she is a completely TIGHT ARSE. It makes me have HIVES. She’s always GRUMBLING about money and she’s LINGER ON.

    -The murder GETS RUN OVER by the police before SCARPERING from the crime scene. It PUT them OUT.

    -He made such a HOWLER that people start to SET them OFF.

    Kerin replied 4 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Kerin

    June 17, 2020 at 11:52 am

    Hello Vale,

    Good job!!!!

    A few notes:

    no.1 > I’VE ALSO DONE COUNTLESS try/attempt to memorize new vocabulary with miserable/louzy result.

    Here you have to use MADE because of the collocation with ‘attempt’ (make an attempt)

    and attempt must become plural because it is ‘many’

    I’VE ALSO MADE COUNTLESS attempts to memorise new vocabulary with miserable/lousy result.

    PS *Try is not a noun and *lousy with an ‘s’ not z

    no.3 > true is an adjective. What is the correct word?

    no.6 > I wasn’t THE BRIGHTEST CRAYON IN THE BOX choosing my job. Brilliant! This made me LOL!!!

    no.10 > -It is completely BAFFLING that my boss’s daughter is really welthy, but she is a completely TIGHT ARSE. It makes me have HIVES. She’s always GRUMBLING about money and she’s LINGER ON.

    EXCELLENT effort Vale. I love this! So, compare:

    -It is completely BAFFLING that my boss’s daughter is really wealthy, but she is a complete TIGHT ARSE. It makes me have HIVES. She’s always GRUMBLING about money and she LINGERS ON.

    Got it?!

    No.11 > murder is the verb. Can you correct it?

    No.12> He made such a HOWLER that he set everybody off.

  • Kerin

    June 17, 2020 at 11:52 am

    Good job!!!

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