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All courses Forums How To Talk About Art Discussion Room: ART Discussion room: art Reply To: Discussion room: art

  • Rubina

    April 22, 2020 at 7:25 pm

    Do you think that art is important to society? Why?

    How much Arts are important in our lives?

    Today is an important anniversary for the world, is the 50th international Day of Heart. We celebrate the world as a planet made of lands, oceans, mountains, animals and, only at the end, little parasitic animals , us.

    This morning I woke up with the idea to celebrate it. In these terrible days is necessary and important to speak about that, especially from when we have understood that there is a connection between the Covid 19 and pollutions and heart explotation.

    How every days since the day we’ve been forced to live in quarantine my “obsession” is tighten up with my social network appeal and performance, with the ephemeral hope to survive as tour guide in the future. So I thought to celebrate the Heart Day with a post on my page Scopri Firenze on Facebook (that’s a subliminal advertasing), but I thought, how do it!

    It would have been extremely important to keep the correct “ editorial line of the page” so, how speak about heart, ecology, nature end Arts all togheter ?

    Arts help me!

    I discovered the so called Land Art today , something that I’ve not ignored in the past but was taken apart for years, and today come to light in my mind .

    And even only for this mental process, that only Arts are capable to realize, Arts all are important to society.

    There are many way to live and respect nature and artists have found their proper way. Creating pieces of art frequently real masterpieces, to celebrate a possible synergy between two aspect of life that apparently seems so distant one with the other

    As exemple look a this! Art could stay everywhere