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  • Kerin

    June 10, 2020 at 3:11 pm

    @Carly Spot on! I find we are very much on the same page on this topic! Interestingly, a row has broken out on this topic between two teachers who both have a Youtube channel. I’ll try and find the link as it makes for interesting viewing…. One of them attacks the other because she is always banging on about RP … it’s quite amusing, even if I felt rather sorry for the one being attacked!

    Anyway, I liked your description about a young you getting in trouble from your teacher! Makes me think of my French class! And am positively giddy that someone is appreciative of the rolling RRRRRRs!!!!

    Quick note:

    you need a preposition here: I have never been discriminated against

    English, French, Spanish etc needs a capital letter
