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All courses Forums How To Talk About Art Discussion Room: ART Discussion room: art Reply To: Discussion room: art

  • Chiara

    April 13, 2020 at 4:07 pm

    I do love art, I would say that I’m basically an art addicted, but I found out only in my late forties how keen on art I have become. Beforehand I used to go to art museums only when I travelled abroad as being part of the normal and due sightseing activity in visiting a new place or city.

    Now to go and visit an art museum or to attend an art exhibiton is quite a “necessity” for me, it’s something that I enjoy so much, something fulfilling: contemplating a work of art not only often can move me because of its beauty, but also can be an occasion for raising new curiosities and for longing for knowing more about the artist and what has inspired him in creating his art.

    Art has been part of human history since the ancient times, as a matter of fact in modern times there have been many discoveries about the artistic paintings made on stones in hidden caves back in the Neolitic times

    Artistic crreations are something that have ever been existing in any society, no matter which is the cultural or historical heritage: art it’s something that belongs to human beings.

    In my opinion art is important for every society, because it expresses the deepest and inner part of human beings, it is a powerful means for connecting people from different backgrounds, countries, culture, times uniting them through a universal, silent bond.