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  • Vocabulary extra

    Posted by valentina on December 10, 2020 at 2:51 pm

    1.When I was fourteen I used to argue with my mother over outfits every time I went out.

    2.I’d rather wear casual and comfortable clothes, that suit me better, than girly dresses. However for work I need prim and proper garments.

    3.My friend Elena, who is really into fashion, puts together original, out-there and fashionable outfits.

    4.My wardrobe is plain and subtle, it doesn’t stand out at all.

    5.Blue is the prevalent color in winter, while, in summer, I add some other light colors, basically white.

    6.I’d rather have on an oversized pants and a comfortable shirt/blouse.

    7.For special occasions, I usually go to my friend Elena, I look for items in her wordrobe.

    8.We play around with different outfits and we pair with accessorie as long as I find the smartest outfit.

    9.On the contrary/On the other hand, I’m really partial to shoes.

    10.I’d like to buy many different types of shoes, even though I wear especially sneakers and sandals as soon as possible.

    valentina replied 4 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Kerin

    December 10, 2020 at 5:14 pm

    @Vale – the next time I see you, I’m going to give you a gold star 🤩🤩🤩 These phrases are GREAT!

    Just a few tiny things to point out, but they sound super natural. Really, well done.

    6.I’d rather have on (an❌) oversized pants and a comfortable shirt/blouse.

    7. For special occasions, I usually go to my friend Elena, TO look for items in her wardrobe.

    (go to someone FOR something or TO DO something)


    For special occasions, I usually go to my friend Elena’s, I look for items in her wardrobe. (saxon genitive because you mean ‘da Elena’)

    10.I’d like to buy many different types of shoes, even though I wear especially sneakers and sandals as MUCH as possible.

    • valentina

      December 11, 2020 at 3:21 pm

      Thanks Kerin! I’ve a good teacher 😉

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