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All courses Forums Grammar Forum When to use the GERUND and when to use the INFINITIVE after the verb REMEMBER

  • When to use the GERUND and when to use the INFINITIVE after the verb REMEMBER

    Posted by Kerin on May 24, 2021 at 11:44 am

    The verb remember can be followed by the gerund or the infinitive, BUT the meaning changes.

    An easy way to remember the rule is this:

    💡 When you want to talk about a MEMORY, use the GERUND

    This is when you remember something that has happened in the past. You have a memory of it.

    ▶️ I remember going to dance lessons when I was a child. = I have a memory of going to the dance school.

    ▶️ I remember sending Janice the email. = I have a memory of doing this

    ▶️ He remembers parking the car in the square = He has a memory of parking the car

    💡When you think of something that you NEEDED to do, use the INFINITIVE

    Think of it as a REMINDER

    ▶️ I remembered to pick up the milk on the way to work = you had to buy milk for the office and you remembered to do it

    ▶️ She remembered to phone her aunt on her birthday

    ⚠️ We often use this form to remind someone to do something

    ▶️ Please remember to send me the report by Friday.

    ▶️ Remember to lock the door!

    ⚠️ or as reminder for ourselves!

    ▶️ I must remember to thank Sonia for my gift

    ▶️ I must remember to pick up the dry cleaning

    🤩 To sum up

    remember + gerund = memory in the past

    remember + infinitive = reminder

    Kerin replied 3 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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