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  • Back to Blighty

    Posted by Edina on March 2, 2021 at 10:45 am

    Oh, gee! What a story! If it didn’t happen to me I wouldn’t beileve it! I’ll try to keep it short! When we arrived to airport we were knackered like hell! That’s where all the trouble started….

    But let’s get back to the previous night first. We went with the team into a fancy bar which was chock a block, we could hardly squeeze ourselves in and we splashed out all the money we had left from the journey.

    The party where we were invited was the dog’s bollocks. Bugger all I know about gourmet, but the nosh was just the bee’s knees, I was gobsmacked. The cocktails we had costed a bomb, but who cared! I was full with beans! A complete new experience I had and I liked it so much that I decided to go for the for the full monty.

    Well. I think I had managed. Jason took some photos of me dancing on the top of the table! I just can’t get my head around it how could this happen with me! You know how shy I am! You know me, don’t you. And Jason, that bastard, has a lot more of these cringy shots of me. He can’t stop taking the piss out of me and I am mortified whenever he comes up with these bits of the night. He uses these photos against me as if they were unquestionable evidences about my character. I wish he buggerd off and gave me a break!

    Anyway! Where was I? Oh, yeah! So we were just absolutely wasted for the morning. Never mind! We only live once! So without sleeping a minute we rushed to the airport. We had a lot’s of time still so we went to grab a strong coffee. We could hardly keep our eyes open so we tried to stay alive by chitchatting.

    Actually we had a lot’s of fun at the cafe! We were laughing out loud whenever we recalled a memory of the night and we were just chuffed by the whole journey when suddenly we heared a voice keep repeating our names and that it was the last call.

    We were paralised as if we were stroke by lightning! We looked at eachother like complete wallies! The next thing I remember is that we started running like idiots as if it was for our lives! But honestly! I’m still pondering how we could lose the plot that much.

    Needless to say we missed the plane of course! Which in any other case it wouldn’t be such a problem, but without a fiver in our pocket and being in Japan heading back to the good old Blighty was a shambles

    Kerin replied 4 years ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Kerin

    March 2, 2021 at 11:49 am

    @altedua congratulations on this piece of writing! The vocabulary use is excellent and it’s written so naturally, it is 100% relatable and amusing to read. Brava 👏👏👏

    Have a look at the corrections using the writing code and have another go at a second draft. If you can’t figure out anything please just ask (there are some tough grammar points in there) But have a go anyway!

    *1 – should read like this: I just can’t get my head around (DELETE: it) how this could have happened to me!

    *2 – you can either say: a lot of OR lots of (same meaning!)

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