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  • Lucia

    January 18, 2022 at 5:02 pm in reply to: AP 10 – Tamara de Lempicka

    I’m back and I see my old enemies, articles, are still here. I definitely have to pay more attention to them.

    Thank you for the tip about ‘also’, I’ll write it down and try to apply it!

  • Lucia

    October 26, 2021 at 1:22 pm in reply to: Activation Project 9 – Writing

    Thank you for the explanation! Clear and useful as always 🙂

  • Lucia

    October 24, 2021 at 7:41 pm in reply to: Activation Project 9 – Writing

    Here my try of correction.

    Is fake news a problem? Why?

    To work correctly, democracy requires that people are informed about what is happening and WHAT are the possible consequences of a certain decision. In a world where it is always more difficult to distinguish between true and false information, it is also hard to individuate reliable politicians and untrustworthy demagogueS and make a CONSCIOUS choice about the life of the country.

    Moreover, fake news helpS to create polarization in the population and makeS it harsh to ESCAPE by your biased view.

    What does a healthy news and social media landscape look like?

    A healthY news and social media landscape looks like a healthY society. People ARE often unaware that what happens online is real life and so they think that to insult or write whatsoever on social WILL have not consequences IN THE “real world”, so all the personal frustrations are exposed on social media. THE news industry exploits and at the same time is enslaved by this process, feeding people with what they want to hear.

    So, a healthY web environment looks like people BEING aware of their power, wishing to know what is true, even if it doesn’t confirm their bias and respecting different opinions and different people.

    A question: are uncountable names always considered singular?

  • Lucia

    August 2, 2021 at 12:18 pm in reply to: Fake News

    This is my try of correction:

    My main source of news IS Social networks. I know: they are places full of terror and lies, but this is not completely correct: a lot of people use them in a very proficient way to spread information. A couple of exampleS of this are the Instagram account of spaghettipolitics and the Youtube channel Breaking Italy. The first one is an Italian student in THE Netherlands, that every week reports the “news of the week”, a sort of highlight of what has happened during the week, globally. The second one is a Youtube channel where a Sardinian man, analyzes some of the news that he and his team found particularly interesting that day (the show is daily for four days of the week) and he attaches ALL the sources of what he claims in the video, in such a way to give the watchers a WAY to going deeper inside the topics he talks about. Apart FROM them, the only newspaper I read is Il Post.

    SINCE the SOURCES I enlisted ARE transparent and givE the possibility to check on their sources I tend to TRUST THEM. ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING THAT the remaining part of the media in Italy are biased. They are of course politically biased, and they often are also old and boomer in the negative sense. To see this, it is sufficient TO SEE how a news STORY is told when there is a black person involved, or the way he femicides are described. Sensationalist and partial. Always.

    According to me, to understand if a news STORY is a fake one the first thing to check is to identify its root and the level of spreading. Even if the media are not completely trustworthy, of course THE news on a newspaper has a different dignity THAN the same news on Facebook. Moreover, usually, if something is too strange to be true, well… It isn’t true! In any case a quick research online can give you new information (trivially: if you look at a video saying “Dolphins have learnt to fly”, and it is true, searching “dolphins” is probably one of the first things you obtain on Google).

    I am fascinated and scared by fake news, in particular for the way they have changed the society and have shown the lack of digital (and not) education people have. They are the better example to explain WHY knowledge and education are important. I think that fake news’ root is double: people who want to demonstrate to be cleverER than others, and people that want to exercise power over others. And watching the public speeches of this lat years it is clear that the seconds are dangerously more than we expected.

  • Lucia

    July 5, 2021 at 8:31 pm in reply to: AP 8 – Checkout list

    Thank you!

    Anyway, I developed these strategies, then the last meeting I lost the plot a bit because I was checking to have sent the correct file and when I understood that my colleague had written a file-name different from the one I had said, I assumed I had made an error and interrupted the meeting to underline that actually the procedure was different from the one I had described.

    Actually, I was right and it was only a spell error… I was super-ashamed! But it was like the third time in total I actively took part in a meeting, so I guess I will learn to keep track. Ahahahah

  • Lucia

    May 17, 2021 at 11:05 am in reply to: Into the future, a comment

    I think that more than out of date is a bit too much… enthusiastic. Moreover, social and political happenings aren’t considered in it, when they have undeniable a huge impact on technological development.

    I’ll give a look right now (I’m in a meeting but people who should talk are late, so it is a great moment to correct my English Homework)

  • Lucia

    April 19, 2021 at 7:43 pm in reply to: Attitudes to change

    Let’s try to correct it:

    It costs a lot to admit it, but I am a creature of habit. I like to know what is happening in my life and have control on it. I find IT thrilling to have some changes in my routine, WITH the condition that it remains, indeed, a routine. At the same time, I am able to understand when I NEED to escape or to transform IT completely. I perceive clearly the discomfort and the constant sensation of not being IN the right place, and when I feel them I know I have to change, despite the worries that change may provoke in me.

    And, at the end, I think the people who resist change ARE simply scared by something they don’t know and cannot control. Because when you make some modifications in your life or society, even the smallest, you can’t predict all the consequences and the LOSS of control and knowledge likely pushes people to reject the change as much as they can.

  • Lucia

    April 26, 2022 at 5:28 pm in reply to: My experience and relationship with Fashion

    I’m as usual super late in answering, but here I am:

    I don’t consider myself a fashionable person, nor someone who thinkS a lot about clothes and style. THE CAUSE OF IT IS PROBABLY THAT I DON’T CONSIDER FASHION INDUSTRY SOMETHING THAT HAS INFLUENCE ON MY LIFE, even if it isn’t completely true since we are constantly surrounded by fashion products and clothes marketing.

    So starting from the previous consideration, and my superficial disinterest in style, I think my style can be defined as A casual – conformable one. I love crop topS on wide leg or on high-waist bootcut jeans, maybe with a leather jacket or an oversize jeans jacket. This kind of look is sustainable without freezing or suffering FROM high temperatureS only IN April-May and then September-October, so these are my favourite periods, talking about wearable clothes.

    I don’t like shopping so much, in particular because given my body shape and my hip dips IT is difficult TO find something that I like and is at the same time flattering. So often the whole shopping experience is reduced to a frustrating ME LEAVING A LOT of jeans or dresses left at the exit of the changing room. Anyway, recently I have lived the experience to search for a single thing I needed and try and buy only that. It has been extremely less frustrating and faster for sure!

    Another thing I started to do is to visit second-hand shops. I FOUND a wonderful dress and a pair of trousers super-comfortable. ExchangING clothes with people I know is more difficult, but it happened with my sister sometimes, usually she takes jeans too tight for me and I steal her shirts.

    SINCE Covid outbreak, I started to buy less clothes and to focus more on comfort than elegance. I thing this depends both on the habit to be always IN pijamas and on the lack of social opportunity to wear more sophisticated outfits.

  • Lucia

    August 24, 2021 at 11:07 am in reply to: Fake News

    Thank you!

    Re-reading it now, it seems obvious to me that the ‘to’ particle shouldn’t be followed by an -ing form. 🙂

  • Lucia

    July 16, 2021 at 10:30 am in reply to: AP 8 – What would you say?

    I made it over-complicated! Thank you for your feedback

  • Lucia

    July 16, 2021 at 10:29 am in reply to: AP 8 – Checkout list

    You have no idea! But I assume it is a lesson learned 😂

  • Lucia

    July 5, 2021 at 8:32 pm in reply to: AP 8 – What would you say?

    Thank you for your feedback!

    For 7. I would say ”Sorry, how much do we need to increase sales?”, is it right?

  • Lucia

    July 5, 2021 at 8:25 pm in reply to: AP 8 – Company Meeting

    Thanks for your feedback!

  • Lucia

    May 17, 2021 at 10:48 am in reply to: AP 7

    Thank you! I’ll send you the Speaking part at latest on next weekend.

    I’m used to be called ‘pessimistic’ too, but you know, if something goes wrong I am prepared!

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